Alain Berger

Senior Advisor

Alain advises clients on EU legislative and regulatory issues in the industry, energy, and transport sectors, focusing on transversal topics such as merger and state aid control, restructuring, trade defense, intellectual property, and para-diplomacy.

More About Alain Berger

He previously served as Alstom's Délégué Général for Europe, Head of the Brussels office, and SVP for European Affairs. He established their EU office, positioning Alstom as a prominent and respected player in Brussels' EU policy landscape. His work covered areas such as energy infrastructure and climate policy, rail transport, trade (FTA, WTO, GPA, market access, public procurement, IPR), competition policy (state aid and merger control), research and development, and regional cohesion policy, particularly in relation to large infrastructure projects and member states.

He was also President and CEO of ALSTOM China in Beijing, sitting on the boards of 18 joint ventures with Chinese partners and taking part in numerous acquisitions, mergers, and restructuring activities across the region.

Lastly, he is the founder and chairman of the Associate Members of Rail Forum Europe, former president of the Club des Grandes Entreprises, and vice president of the European Section of the French Trade Advisor Group (CCE).